Dáil debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Youth Services

4:10 pm

Photo of Malcolm NoonanMalcolm Noonan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Green Party)

Gabhaim buíochas leis an Teachta as ucht an cheist seo. I also recognise the important work that youth organisations and ETBs do for our young people across the country. It is vital.

The Minister, Deputy O’Gorman, is committed to supporting the delivery and development of youth work services and opportunities for young people throughout the country. In 2024, the Government is investing €78 million in this sector, which represents a 26% increase in the budget since 2020. A total of over €800,000 is being allocated to Laois and Offaly ETB this year to support the provision of youth services in the area. Over €420,000 is being allocated under the UBU scheme. This funding is directed at young people who are marginalised, disadvantaged or vulnerable. It is allocated on the basis of an area needs analysis carried out by the ETB. This ensures that funding is directed to where it is most needed.

An additional €385,000 has been allocated to Laois and Offaly ETB to support youth services in 2024 under a number of funding schemes, including €12,000 under the resilience and effectiveness scheme 2024. This enables youth organisations to build capacity and respond to emerging needs. There is €36,000 under the new targeted youth employability support initiative in 2024. This funding helps young people to engage in progression pathways leading to education, training and employment opportunities. There is €75,000 under the migrant integration fund, to support the integration of young Ukrainians into youth services. There is €50,000 under the minor grant scheme, for additional programme-related costs associated with the provision of universal youth work supports for all young people, and €82,000 has been made available to support clubs in Laois and Offaly under the local youth club grant scheme.

In addition, €130,000 has been allocated to Laois and Offaly ETB under the ETB youth grant to support the ETB in carrying out its functions relating to the administration of the Department’s funding and its role in co-ordinating and supporting youth services.

In addition to funding targeted youth services administered by the ETB network, the Department provides funding to national youth organisations who provide volunteer-led youth services nationwide. Many of these organisations are active in counties Laois and Offaly, including 23 Foróige youth clubs and 11 scout troops. The Department recognises the important work of Laois and Offaly ETB as a key partner in the delivery of crucial youth funding schemes. The Minister's officials work closely with all 16 ETBs throughout the country, which are responsible at local level for supporting the provision, co-ordination, administration and assessment of youth work in their areas to ensure that the needs of young people continue to be met.

On the specific disparity in Laois and Offaly referenced by the Deputy in terms of lower levels of funding, the allocation of funding to Laois ETB under the UBU is based on funding the ETB received under previous youth services funding schemes administered by the Department including SPY and YPSF 1 and YPSF 2. The UBU services are targeted at marginalised, vulnerable and deprived young people, with areas of greater needs receiving the most. There is therefore no average per capitafunding for UBU services. That might go some way to explaining it, although it is not satisfactory. Some ETBs were more successful in attracting grants under previous funding schemes and this has resulted in a wide disparity in funding of youth services. In 2022, for example, the City of Dublin ETB youth services received €160 for every young person aged between ten and 24 in the Dublin city local authority area while Louth and Meath ETB received €15.50. That is a major disparity in per capitafunding for young people. I acknowledge the wide range of services provided not just by the ETBs but by Foróige and other youth organisations throughout the constituency.


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