Dáil debates

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Ceisteanna ar Pholasaí nó ar Reachtaíocht - Questions on Policy or Legislation


1:00 pm

Photo of Darren O'RourkeDarren O'Rourke (Meath East, Sinn Fein)

We have the comprehensive accommodation strategy for international protection and part of that is to provide State-provided accommodation for asylum seekers. There are a number of earmarked sites, including Thornton Hall. It is almost a month ago today that we had a formal briefing on Thornton Hall's identification for State accommodation for asylum seekers but we have not had an update since. At that stage, we were told the centre would be opened at the end of June. That is obviously not the case and there have been media reports to that effect. When will we have a formal update on it? Will the Tánaiste raise it with the Minister and the relevant Departments? There are questions about planning, transport and supports that need to be answered.


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