Dáil debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Pre-European Council: Statements


2:00 pm

Photo of Mark WardMark Ward (Dublin Mid West, Sinn Fein)

Ireland's recognition of the State of Palestine last month was a welcome development. The recognition of Palestine was important for symbolic reasons. It was the result of decades of campaigning by many groups and individuals right across the State. Despite the Government's misgivings, the sky did not fall in, but the sky is falling in on Palestine right now.

Sanctioning Israel has never been more important. Rafah has been attacked, which was a red line for the EU, the US and most western countries, and yet there are still no consequences. Children were decapitated and burnt alive. Israel has been carrying out war crimes with impunity for seven months. It is being given the green light to do so by the inaction of the world to take the measures to stop it. Only the imposition of swift and extensive sanctions will force Israel to implement a ceasefire. In contrast with the immediate and extensive sanctions that were implemented against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, Israel can lay waste to Gaza and slaughter tens of thousands and it is allowed to continue unchecked.

Ireland and Europe have facilitated this murder and destruction. Ireland and Europe must impose sanctions on Israel. Ireland, in particular, must oppose the re-election of. Ursula von der Leyen. We must sanction Israel right now for its ongoing gross violations of international law. Ireland must enact the Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 and the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018. Actions without sanctions are futile. As I said, the sky did not fall in when Ireland recognised the State of Palestine but the sky will continue to fall in on Palestine if we do not impose sanctions now - real sanctions that will lead to a ceasefire that will stop the genocide and the ongoing onslaught on innocent people in Gaza, Rafah and beyond.


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