Dáil debates

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Apprenticeship Programmes

10:00 pm

Photo of Niall CollinsNiall Collins (Limerick County, Fianna Fail)

In relation to the craft apprenticeship at ATU, I reiterate that phases 4 and 6 capacity for electrical apprenticeships has grown from 144 in the 2022-23 academic year to 384 this year. As I outlined, we are increasing capacity to deliver across electrical, refrigeration and metal fabrication at both Letterkenny and Killybegs.

Since the start of this session, we have been discussing mainly craft apprenticeships but we also have consortia-led, new apprenticeships. In Donegal, in 2025, the Atlantic Technological University plans to join as a collaborating partner in two new consortia programmes. The first is a bachelor of engineering in industrial electrical engineering and the co-ordinating provider is the Technological University of the Shannon. There will be a collaboration between the two technological universities. The second is a bachelor of engineering in civil engineering. Both of those will begin in September 2025.


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