Dáil debates

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

British-Irish Co-operation

11:50 am

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Officials from across Government have been engaging with their British counterparts since last autumn on the introduction by the United Kingdom of its post-Brexit import controls. Britain remains a significant market for Irish exports, especially for agrifood, so ensuring a smooth transition for businesses has been a constant Government priority. I am glad to report that the transition to the first phase of new UK controls at the end of January went broadly well, thanks largely to the level of engagement and preparation by all Irish stakeholders across the supply chain, including through the Brexit stakeholder forum, which I chaired earlier this year.

The 30 April phase saw the introduction of physical checks on European Union goods going into Great Britain, with the exception of goods from Ireland. While Irish exports to Britain are not impacted in this phase, Irish operators sending goods under transit across the United Kingdom land bridge are currently adapting to the new requirements. Irish officials have been engaging with their British counterparts to ensure they understand the importance of the United Kingdom land bridge for Irish traders and that they take a pragmatic approach to the introduction of the new controls.

I have discussed these issues on a number of occasions with my British counterparts, who fully recognise the importance of our two-way trade in goods and have agreed to work collaboratively with us to ensure a continued smooth trading relationship. We will continue to engage with the British authorities, particularly around the introduction of physical checks on goods from Ireland, which we understand will take place in spring 2025. We will, of course, continue to engage with Irish stakeholders, as we have throughout Brexit, to support them in adapting to the new trading environment.


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