Dáil debates

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Technological Universities

11:40 am

Photo of Simon HarrisSimon Harris (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I agree with everything Deputy O'Dowd says, but I stand here thinking that there are reasons to be excited and hopeful now about the future of DkIT. I congratulate the new president and thank him for the proactivity he is bringing to this. We need to bring this to finality. We also need to provide that little bit of space. The staff in DkIT and in Maynooth University have been informed by their presidents that they are having preliminary discussions. That is how they should be best described. If it gets beyond that stage, more substantive discussions will be required. Let me say very clearly that we are willing, as a Department and a Government - with the best wishes and supports of Louth Oireachtas Members – to support DkIT in whatever strategic advancement it wants to take on its journey. The north east deserves and needs a university. DkIT has done a wonderful job over the years but I know those who work there, those who go there and all the stakeholders in the area want to see the north east get the recognition that other regions have got in regard to third level education. I am determined to do that.


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