Dáil debates

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Milk Supply

9:10 am

Photo of Bríd SmithBríd Smith (Dublin South Central, People Before Profit Alliance) | Oireachtas source

I do not agree we have very robust measures to prevent cruelty to animals. If we had, we would not have seen that report. It is also extremely cruel to separate the male calves from their mothers at birth and to slaughter so many of them. It is an outcome of the industry itself and the fact we are producing such a large dairy herd. We are increasing our emissions from dairy year on year. I remind the House agriculture accounts for the most CO2 emissions and we are not challenging ourselves at all to bring them down in this environmental crisis.

I draw the Minister's attention to the EPA reports that show the increase in the herd and in milk production is a driver of increasing emissions. There is no way to get around this but to acknowledge that is happening and that all the cruelty and related aspects of it are part and parcel of this industry and the way it is being managed. I do not believe for a minute none of the arms of the State knew of the level of cruelty; they just turned a blind eye to it.


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