Dáil debates

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Planning and Development (Fees for Certain Applications) Regulations 2023: Motion


1:07 pm

Photo of Cian O'CallaghanCian O'Callaghan (Dublin Bay North, Social Democrats) | Oireachtas source

The usual practice on motions such as these is that they are not scheduled to be taken without debate until they have gone through the committee. We did not raise objections to this because this is the last sitting week of the term and in the past any time we have sought to have a 55-minute fixed debate after a motion goes to the committee the Government has always acceded to the request. This is unprecedented, certainly in my experience. We facilitate the Government and when we request a 55-minute debate after serious issues come up at the committee and that request is refused it is poor procedure and poor practice by the Government. Given that there are very serious concerns about this and we are trying to work with the Government to get them resolved, at the very least the Government should have agreed to the request for a 55-minute fixed debate. If this is the way the Government will proceed in future I certainly will not agree to any motion without a fixed debate. They will not be rushed through the committee if that is the way the Government will proceed.


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