Dáil debates
Wednesday, 1 March 2023
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Special Educational Needs
10:02 am
Josepha Madigan (Dublin Rathdown, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
There are 106 special classes in Tipperary at present. It is expected that the NCSE will announce and confirm over the coming weeks where new special classes will be created in the county. I am not at liberty to say whether it is the Gaelscoil or not because there is still ongoing negotiations and engagement with various schools, not just in Tipperary, but in other counties as well. I would not like to in any way influence the outcome of any ongoing conversations. The Deputy made an important point on forward planning and in his initial contribution he pointed to the fact that neurotypical children have perhaps been catered for in a way that neurodivergent children have not been by the education system as a whole. I do not disagree with that but that has radically changed, particularly over the past three years. The fact that we have been able to create more than 600 primary special classes, 300 at post-primary and five special schools over the past three years shows the level of engagement and that the initiatives we have brought forward are bearing fruit. We have a detailed review of statistical data that is ongoing. We also have improved data sharing arrangements. There is always an analysis of the accommodation capacity going on. A geographical information system from the planning and building unit now shares with the NCSE in real time where there is capacity and where there is not in a way that was not done in previous years. We now have future-proofing at post-primary level where all new 1,000-pupil capacity schools will automatically have four special classes, which is important. We have the modular accommodation framework and we also have a good deal of ongoing work with the fee charging sector as well.
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