Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Patient Safety (Notifiable Patient Safety Incidents) Bill 2019: Report Stage (Resumed)


6:17 pm

Photo of Alan KellyAlan Kelly (Tipperary, Labour) | Oireachtas source

I want to thank everybody. I thank the Leas-Cheann Comhairle for the way in which she dealt with this. I thank the Minister for the way in which he engaged. I thank his officials and particularly thank the Deputies who sat through this, Deputies Cullinane and Shortall, for the way that we have dealt with this Bill.

For me, on a personal level, this is probably the most important piece of legislation I have ever done in my life because of the way, in an accident of politics and work, I became very close to Vicky Phelan in particular. I want to say how important this legislation is. Vicky made this legislation front and centre of everything she wanted achieved. It was core to everything. I had my last conversations with her and I spoke to her about what she wanted us to do. I made a commitment that we would pass this legislation. Vicky had a way in her life when she was dealing with all of us as friends, and there are some watching down here, including John Wall, that she never left anything unsaid. Everything had to be said and dealt with; your feelings and how you expressed your relationship with her and to her. Her deal with me was that nothing would be left unsaid.

My condition and my promise was that nothing would be left undone. We have done so much regarding HPV screening, testing and bringing the labs back but we have more work to do. There were other pieces of work regarding the civil liability Bill and on dying with dignity. They are broader issues but for me, this Bill is Vicky's legacy. It brings a certain benchmark and closure and that is why it is so critically important to me, Lorraine Walsh, Stephen Teap and everybody else. I want to acknowledge them and the 221+ group.

Vicky's favourite band was The Stunning. I went to see them with her a number of times. She was such a ball wrecker that the song "Heads are Going to Roll" was nearly written for her. You think of her. There are two lines in that song which I asked friends to draw out for me because they are important:

Down through the ages we're tearing the pages;

There's more of the book still to write.

Posthumously, there is another chapter to go into Vicky's book. That chapter is the legacy of what Vicky has achieved and will achieve. This Bill is one of the most important components and the one she wanted front and centre. I thank everyone collectively for working with me and with others and everyone who has been involved in this legislation. It is a very momentous occasion and a very emotional occasion for me. Thank you.


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