Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Patient Safety (Notifiable Patient Safety Incidents) Bill 2019: Report Stage (Resumed)


4:27 pm

Photo of David CullinaneDavid Cullinane (Waterford, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the Minister's comments on the lab at the Coombe Hospital. Obviously we want to see a ratcheting up and expansion of services at the Coombe Hospital. If we can repatriate a large part of the screening services for CervicalCheck in that facility, it would be really welcome. I ask that the Minister keep us informed of the ratcheting up of staffing and capacity as it happens.

That is to be welcomed in the first instance. There is a lot to be done there yet. While we still have a long way to go, I understand that the lab itself is a first-class facility and we must make the best use of it. Am I correct in saying the Part 5 review will be in place for all cancer screening services?


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