Dáil debates

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Ceisteanna ar Sonraíodh Uain Dóibh - Priority Questions

Pensions Reform

Photo of Paul MurphyPaul Murphy (Dublin South West, RISE) | Oireachtas source

It is now a year and a half since our Bill on provisions in respect of pension entitlements for retired workers passed Second Stage in the Dáil. The Bill states that retired workers cannot be ignored and have their pension pots raided without consultation.

It passed Second Stage, but the Government put a 12-month stay on its progress in order to have a consultation period. We are now 18 months down the line and the Government has proposed nothing, brought forward no alternative, nor signalled whether it will support the substantive aim behind the Bill. My question is to find out if it is going to.


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