Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Ceisteanna ar Reachtaíocht a Gealladh - Questions on Promised Legislation


12:40 pm

Photo of Verona MurphyVerona Murphy (Wexford, Independent) | Oireachtas source

To follow on from Deputy Barry, for two years the Minister's Department has been dealing with the recognition of Ukrainian licences through the Road Safety Authority, RSA. Unfortunately, we are at a stalling point where the RSA says that it has not completed the due diligence on whether a Ukrainian licence can be accepted here on a par with an EU licence. Countries in the EU that have qualified the Ukrainian licence as being comparable are Italy and Portugal.

I ask that the Minister instruct the RSA to complete its due diligence with those European countries. We must give these refugees every opportunity. Unless the Government is going to house all the refugees in the city where there is public transport, it is going to put them at a huge disadvantage in the country and rural Ireland. I heard the Minister mention caravan parks, which are generally in quite remote areas where there is no public transport. These people must be able to avail of transport and be in the same position as other residents.


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