Dáil debates

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Sports Funding

9:20 pm

Photo of Jack ChambersJack Chambers (Dublin West, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank both Deputies for their questions. On the first question from Deputy Farrell, the factual position is that if an error is identified in an application, that is communicated to the club and can be clarified. However, if it is a matter of submitting new information which will affect the assessment, that is not allowable. Historically, there were a huge number of unsuccessful applications because of minor errors in the application process. That is outlined in the documentation and all clubs are kept abreast of that.

Regarding Deputy Dillon's question, I will have to clarify whether there has been any further direct communication. There would be communication from assessors if something has to be clarified or if an obvious errors is identified. I can clarify the broader communication of timelines with my officials and revert to the Deputy about it. Many parliamentary questions are asked by Deputies who are anxious to see this timeline progressed. As I said to Deputy Farrell in the initial response, the equipment is being assessed and we hope to conclude that in the coming weeks. The broader sports capital applications will hopefully conclude in the autumn.


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