Dáil debates

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Ceisteanna Eile - Other Questions

Arts Policy

9:00 pm

Photo of Catherine ConnollyCatherine Connolly (Galway West, Independent) | Oireachtas source

Yes. I think the rule is that a little discretion is shown if a Deputy goes over one minute. I thank the Minister. One of the advantages of being Leas-Cheann Comhairle is that I have a copy of the Minister's answer but she read an additional answer that I do not have. She might supply me with that because the answer I have is a basic one. I welcome what she has set out but I would like the details.

This is something I have followed up. Galway 2020 was the most marvellous thing that happened to the city but the roll-out was not so marvellous. Covid and bad weather interfered but, separate from that, there were huge issues related to staff, legal proceedings and the absence of transparency and accountability. The Department took a lead in this and ensured, finally, that there was a performance delivery agreement. There was no question of a legacy. That came about through pressure, including from me, and eventually a committee was set up to look at the legacy.

The two questions were tabled together. I thank the Minister for her response, which is as comprehensive as it can be without providing more details. We need to see the breakdown of the total of €15 million given by the Department. It is a substantial amount of money. Presumably, that breakdown will come with the accounts, which I understand will be finished in June this year. Then there is the Audience Agency. Perhaps the Minister can tell me how much it is costing to carry out this evaluation. I would expected evaluation and monitoring by the Department to be an inherent part of the ongoing process. Then there is the legacy. The Minister will have a consultation about the legacy over the coming year, when Galway 2020 is over.


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