Dáil debates
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate
Care of the Elderly
8:10 pm
Frank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
Again, I thank the Deputy for raising this issue. Our overriding objective is to support older people to live in dignity and independence in their own homes and communities for as long as possible. The Government is committed to the continued enhancement of health and social care services delivery at both individual and community level. Under the Sláintecare model, we are looking at a significant shift in our model of care towards one that is focused on prevention and early intervention, a model in which care will predominantly be provided at the lowest level of complexity in our local communities.
It is important that we look at the boarding out scheme in this context, ensuring that it aligns with broad reform, such as the development of a statutory scheme for the financing and regulation of home support services. In addition, a reformed model of service delivery will be introduced to ensure the provision of home support in a transparent, equitable manner based on standard assessment of care needs.
A review was carried out 28 years ago and this review, which was carried out three years ago, may need a further review. I thank Deputy Tully for her concern and consideration.
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