Dáil debates

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (Resumed)


11:45 pm

Photo of Danny Healy-RaeDanny Healy-Rae (Kerry, Independent) | Oireachtas source

This amendments seeks to ensure parental notification for abortions performed on girls under the age of 16, except where it is in her best interests to dispense with such notification. I listened attentively to Deputy Durkan, who said there are sad cases and serious, bad cases where young girls are abused by parents or guardians. It is sad when that happens. We all abhor that; it is very wrong. I am sure that we all feel for the girls in that situation. We totally and absolutely hate it when that happens. I honestly believe that there are far more good parents and guardians than there are villains and blackguards. The good parents who care for their children and who would not abuse them in any way are the people I am talking about. They adore and love their children, and it would hurt them very much - and it would not help the young girl either - if an abortion was carried out without their knowing about it. As Deputy Durkan said, we rely on the GP or healthcare official the girl attends in the first instance to do the right thing. That health worker might get to know that it would not be in the best interests of the girl to notify the parent or guardian, and I am sure that is what he or she would do at that stage. The law provides for a situation where a health care professional, a doctor or someone else finds out about something like this, and he or she is bound by the law to notify An Garda Síochána that such a thing has happened. The matter is dealt with professionally and legally after that, and there are rules and regulations that protect the vulnerable or abused girl in that regard, as I understand it.

For the benefit of loving and caring parents and guardians, it is only right that they are notified in circumstances where the girl is aged under 16. It is right that they should be notified to ensure that they could adequately deal with the young girl after an abortion. It is an emotional time, and there are psychological consequences following on from an abortion, which are sometimes so serious that they will last for a long time. This is particularly true where the patient is immature. A person who is underage in many cases is far less mentally and emotionally equipped to make so major and irrevocable a decision as the decision to have an abortion. She cannot foresee the immediate and long-term consequences. It is important to guard against a situation where a frightened child might make that decision on her own at such a young age, without her parents even knowing, when that decision can have such life altering consequences for her. We have all heard of how children can get upset when they do not have the comfort and loving care of parents at certain times. They can have mood swings and get so upset that unfortunate, desperate things happen. We should legislate for the good parents, because I honestly believe that there are far more good people than bad people in this world.

As I said at the outset, it is really sad and bad when we read about things that happen to young girls. Again this week we heard in the media about what happens to girls around the country. However, I honestly believe there are far more good parents and guardians and it is for those people that we should legislate. We are all well meaning and trying to do our best for young girls who find themselves in this unfortunate position.


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