Dáil debates

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (Resumed)


11:15 pm

Photo of Ruth CoppingerRuth Coppinger (Dublin West, Solidarity) | Oireachtas source

Many doctors have a genuine fear that an ultrasound service might not be available to somebody who requires it. Of course it is not and should not be required in every situation.

Affidea, which is a private X-ray company, is located in certain areas but would not have the reach that would be required. The Minister needs to move very quickly over the next few weeks to ensure it happens. I ask the Minister to give a commitment that there will be heavy advertising of the 24-hour helpline. It is very clear that some people do not want people to have information and do not want women and pregnant people to have access to these services despite the vote in favour. It is very important for people in isolated areas or very vulnerable people. This is what is so annoying. The people who will suffer will be very vulnerable women and girls who are the people the Deputies allegedly care about. It is very likely it will be very young people, possibly in direct provision, who are possibly afraid and who have possibly been sexually abused or raped. Technically anyone under 16 has been raped. It is absolutely vital the Minister sees that those issues are dealt with. There are 120 or more doctors in the START group alone. There are loads of other average GPs who will provide this because they deal with it every day. It is not an alien concept. They are dealing with women who are pregnant and in crisis and they want to be able to help them not shift them away. As long as the pathways are put in place, the service will go ahead in January and it is vital it does. It is vital it is made known to women, girls and pregnant people who are out there. Despite the best efforts of the so-called caring Deputies to delay this by tabling time-wasting amendments they know will not get any support, they will not succeed.


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