Dáil debates
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018: Report Stage (Resumed)
5:30 pm
Danny Healy-Rae (Kerry, Independent) | Oireachtas source
I am not happy either with the attacks made by other Members on us in the media to the effect that we were holding up the debate. I have spoken only at minimum length to raise my concerns in the context of the amendment. Many people have said to me, and I meet a lot of people in the course of my constituency work, that they are concerned about the state of our health service and the way in which this money has been found to pay for the termination and ending of little babies' lives. I spoke already yesterday evening and that is all I will say on the amendment. Anyone is entitled to a view. The people who are for the Bill are entitled to their view and I will not suggest that they should not have one. I want that reciprocated and to see respect for our views in the House. We were elected also and a sizeable proportion of the population voted "No." While more voted "Yes" and we have to respect that, there also must be respect for the views of those who voted "No" and who have raised concerns. Like us, they are entitled to their views and opinions.
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