Dáil debates
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Renewable Energy Incentives
11:10 am
Denis Naughten (Roscommon-Galway, Independent) | Oireachtas source
I am very conscious of public awareness. We have a new behavioural economics unit established within the SEAI to look at how we communicate. For any colleagues here writing newsletters, there is a box outlining the different grants, which can put into their newsletters. We can make that available to them. We have done so in the past and will do so again. There is a substantial amount of funding here. I want to see the scheme oversubscribed rather than undersubscribed because it is in all our interest that it happens. I would be very open, as would the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, to any suggestions or ideas as to how we should package or promote the scheme. Perhaps it might help clarify matters for the Deputy if, in summary, I say my objective is to ensure that renewables self-consumers, those who generate renewable electricity and consume and-or store it in their own premises, will be entitled to receive financial remuneration for any excess electricity they feed into the grid. That is my ultimate goal. It will take a little time to get there, but that is my objective as Minister.
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