Dáil debates

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Private Rented Accommodation Costs

4:05 pm

Photo of Barry CowenBarry Cowen (Offaly, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Notwithstanding the initiatives in Rebuilding Ireland - Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness to deal with supply and the housing crisis, for which enabling legislation is expected to come before the House in the weeks ahead, with one such Bill currently before the Seanad, we have an immediate problem in the rental sector where inflation is running at more than 10%. This rate of inflation cannot be sustained by current household incomes and is leading many people to homelessness. An immediate solution is required. We have all engaged in the consultation process of recent weeks and I hope the Minister will produce proposals in the short term. I earnestly ask that he consider introducing legislative proposals in the coming weeks to give Deputies an opportunity to analyse and scrutinise them, with a view to ensuring the best possible solution is proposed, one which secures the approval of as many Deputies as possible.


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