Dáil debates

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Housing (Sale of Local Authority Housing) Bill 2016: Second Stage [Private Members]


5:20 pm

Photo of Barry CowenBarry Cowen (Offaly, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

Then he went on to state that he supported the many reasons the Department or experts gave to him for the exclusion of Part V housing. He is pre-empting the work of any review group when he gives an opinion this far out from the review taking place at all, let alone giving it during this debate. That convinces me that in no way should we support the amendment, which commits to a review of this issue among others. It convinces me that we on this side of the House should continue to bring forward Bills such as this one to effect the sort of change we think is necessary to address the deficiencies which exist.

Deputy O'Dowd spoke about those who have been allocated units or homes by approved housing bodies. He stated they only wanted them because they only wanted to rent a house. They only wanted those homes because they were the only thing ever offered to them. Approved housing bodies have taken the place of councils to the detriment of the aspiration of those who would like to own their own homes. Based on the strategy produced yesterday and the timelines associated with it, I am glad that we have a watching brief to ensure there are improvements because what we have heard before in such plans has never materialised. We will be holding the Government to account and bringing forward other legislation to fill the gaps left vacant in yesterday's publication despite the best of intentions and the many good things contained within it.

The big problem relating to the housing crisis and the massive waiting lists that exist throughout the country is that houses are not being built. The people who want homes do not care where they come from as long as they are built. There is a duty and an obligation on everyone who has the power to insist that happens to do so. There is also a right to at least aspire to own one's home. If a person does not want it, that is fair enough. He or she does not have to take up the offer.

We cannot have discrimination. We heard examples of discrimination not only against those in Part V housing but also against those with disabilities. That is the ultimate and absolute discrimination. It is disgusting and should be addressed. It should not be allowed to continue another day.

Other Deputies - the triple As and the PBP - would have us believe-----


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