Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Priority Questions

Zero-hour Contracts

3:05 pm

Photo of Mick BarryMick Barry (Cork North Central, Anti-Austerity Alliance) | Oireachtas source

It does not surprise me that employer organisations have come out against a ban on zero-hour contracts. It would not take a commission or a rocket scientist to work that out.

Is the Minister of State aware that the New Zealand Parliament voted unanimously to ban zero-hour contracts and that became effective on 1 April? In New Zealand employers now must guarantee a minimum number of hours per week and workers can refuse extra hours without repercussion. Is the Minister of State concerned that legislation here lags behind the example set by New Zealand? Is he aware the previous Administration, in the aftermath of the Dunnes Stores strike in April 2015, promised to take action on this matter? As it is now more than a year on, how long is the Minister of State prepared to wait on this? Can he give those workers who are in these extremely difficult circumstances any indication as to when he plans to bring forward legislation or does he plan to introduce legislation at all?


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