Dáil debates

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

4:20 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

As the Deputy knows, the Government and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs have set up the Child and Family Agency, Tusla, which is very well funded. The Minister is acutely aware of the nature of the difficulties and challenges that face many children who are in difficult and vulnerable positions. Clearly, this is an issue that he has worked on, and he is making preparations in respect of the discussions that will take place prior to the budget in October. I accept that not all of the recommendations on the litany of issues that were raised in the report have been implemented. The Minister has prepared his report and, hopefully, the discussions he is to have in the period ahead will lead to some improvement in that situation, which I agree is not satisfactory.


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