Dáil debates
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Garda Complaints Procedures
2:30 pm
Frances Fitzgerald (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
The Deputy has made some serious allegations. There are independent processes available to members of An Garda Síochána and the Deputy is aware the Government has introduced new legislation under the Protected Disclosures Act. I have told the Deputy there is a criminal investigation under way. If there is information available, such as the Deputy has put forward in the House today, that obviously needs to be part and parcel of the criminal investigation that is going on. For the Deputy to make the suggestions he has made in regard to proactive leaking on this case is a serious allegation.
Obviously, every criminal investigation is serious and there is a criminal investigation going on in one case. In the other case, there is a GSOC investigation.
Surely those cases should be allowed to be dealt with via the process of the criminal investigation and the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission, GSOC, report on those that is currently taking place. The floor of the Dáil is not the place to be discussing the detail of those cases when there are processes, rules and legislation set up to deal with the concerns of whistleblowers in An Garda Síochána and other bodies.
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