Dáil debates
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Other Questions
Schools Building Projects Status
10:00 am
Jan O'Sullivan (Limerick City, Labour) | Oireachtas source
My Department's overriding objective is to ensure that every child has access to a physical school place and that our school system is in a position to cope with increasing pupil numbers. To ensure this is achieved, the delivery of major school projects to meet significant demographic demands nationally will be the main focus for capital investment in schools in the coming years. However, even despite the enormous financial challenges which have been faced in recent years, two iterations of the prefab replacement scheme were funded by my predecessor. Under the prefab replacement initiative 2012 and 2013, approval was given to 217 schools - 209 primary and eight post-primary - to replace 614 prefab units with permanent accommodation. In excess of €56 million has been allocated to these initiatives. Information in regard to the number of schools which will still have purchased prefabs at the end of the five-year capital programme is not readily available.
Where the need for a school site is identified, in general the Department requests the assistance of the local authority under a memorandum of understanding whereby the local authority acts on behalf of the Department. Sites have also been acquired by direct negotiation with landowners, through the education and training boards or, occasionally, working with OPW. The focus is always on due diligence in regard to technical assessment and conveyancing, achieving the best value for money for the Exchequer, while also having regard to the timeframe for delivery of the school.
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