Dáil debates

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Other Questions

Electricity Transmission Network

4:15 pm

Photo of Pat RabbittePat Rabbitte (Dublin South West, Labour) | Oireachtas source

To limit the lottery possibilities, I propose to take Questions Nos. 119 and 129 together.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 119 and 129 together.

During the course of engagement by EirGrid in its public consultation processes, and most recently in relation to the Grid Link project, on which 35,000 submissions were received, a number of key concerns emerged. This has necessitated considerable review and reflection in order to determine the optimum approach needed to address those concerns that are valid, while at the same time ensuring adequate and effective electricity transmission capacity in the State.

Arising from examination of the concerns expressed, I have put in place a number of measures to deal with the immediate concerns on the Grid West and Grid Link projects, while also addressing the generality of commentary on the need to improve stakeholder and community engagement on all Grid25 projects for the future.

I have appointed an independent panel of experts, chaired by the Hon. Mrs. Justice Catherine McGuinness, to examine the Grid West and Grid Link projects. The panel of experts will decide the terms of reference for comprehensive, route specific studies of fully underground and overhead options for both projects. They have been asked to ensure that the studies are complete, impartial, objective and comparable and will submit a report to me on these matters in due course. Both the overhead and underground options will be published side by side, in objective and comparable terms, before consideration is given by Eirgrid to the appropriate next steps for each of the projects. The panel has also been asked to consider what, if anything, it can do with regard to the North-South transmission line project. The panel has commenced its deliberations and I understand that the panel has had several meetings, most recently last Friday. I further understand that the panel expects to be in a position to announce the terms of reference for the panel itself, as well as the terms of reference for the Grid Link and Grid West transmission line projects, very soon. In the interests of completing its work in a timely manner, the panel does not consider it would be possible to accede to requests for meetings with third parties, given the likely volume of such requests. However, should anyone wish to submit material to the panel, they may do so by email to expertpanel@dcenr.ie.

Additionally, I have asked the chairman of EirGrid to undertake a comprehensive assessment with a view to improvement of EirGrid’s community engagement processes and procedures, having regard to the significant public concerns raised on this issue. In that regard, EirGrid made an announcement on 28 March 2014 that it has initiated a thorough review of its consultation process to improve future public engagement; this review will include an external review of their processes. The overall review is expected to be completed by June and its findings will be published, including recommendations to improve future public engagement.

EirGrid published an interim report on the emerging themes from the Grid Link project consultation on 28 January. A copy of this report is available on the EirGrid website. All of the submissions which EirGrid received on the project are being examined by the EirGrid project team. I understand that once a thorough and detailed examination of all the submissions has been completed, a report will be published on the project website, and EirGrid will respond to all correspondence as quickly as possible.


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