Dáil debates

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Other Questions

Employment Support Services

10:15 am

Photo of Joan BurtonJoan Burton (Dublin West, Labour) | Oireachtas source

All I can say is that I meet many people who have unfortunately lost a job or business during the recession. My aim is very clear in helping people get back to work, self-employment and the rebuilding of business. The Deputy has extensive work experience and knows that when people go to an interview after being out of work for a long time - as is the case for some unfortunate people, including those who worked during the building boom and made good money - the chances of being successful in an interview are very small unless a person has retrained, had further education, upskilled or been a participant in a programme which bridges the gap. That is the difference between somebody being long-term unemployed and getting back to work. I emphasise that this is a small scheme spread around local authorities in the country. There is a great deal of positive interest, particularly from people who, unfortunately, are long-term unemployed.


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