Dáil debates

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Government's Priorities for the Year Ahead: Statements


5:35 pm

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin North Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

One can see the Dáil making a greater impact on issues of public concern. Bills now are being put into the committees before they are framed and set in stone in legislation. I have been around here for years and Bills have come into the House with so much momentum behind them and about which people's minds were so made up that the process of bringing them into the House was meaningless. Such Bills now are going into the committees at the point of inception, when there still is flexibility to change them and I believe this is different. The other point I will make is it is hard work for Deputies. Dáil reform, unfortunately, does not offer a lot of opportunities for plaudits from the media but is a lot of grinding hard work in committees. Moreover, it is a problem that the media are not particularly interested in Dáil reform and the work it involves. However, I believe real Dáil reform is under way, more of it is needed and I am all in support of that. I probably have spoken beyond my time.


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