Dáil debates

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

4:10 pm

Photo of Shane RossShane Ross (Dublin South, Independent) | Oireachtas source

The issue is very straightforward. I take the point of the Taoiseach, when decoded, about urging Europe to take a softer line and saying that Europe should meet its obligations to Ireland. I hope the Taoiseach agrees Europe is failing to meet its obligations to Ireland, which is what the IMF is implicitly saying. There is obviously a split between the IMF and the rest of the troika. The IMF is saying that because of our failure to grow at the predicted rate, the Government should be prepared to defer the predicted budget cuts forecast and promised for next year. Will we be prepared to take the less austere line of the IMF or are we going to show a greater enthusiasm for austerity than the lenders?


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