Dáil debates

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

3:00 pm

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin North Central, Independent)

What I stated was very different from what many commentators had stated in the past 48 hours. I targeted the money provided for the most disadvantaged families, a key aspect of which is child benefit. I ask the Taoiseach not to play games with this issue because it is a very important one. Will he ensure child benefit is not cut because of its importance in assisting families to meet their child care costs and creating many jobs in child care services? He mentioned job creation. If child benefit is removed, this will damage jobs in child care services. From an economic point of view, child benefit generates employment and a €10 cut would pose a threat to jobs. On the broader issue involved, does the Taoiseach accept that if a sum of €150 million is removed from child benefit payments, it will destroy child care services and many jobs in the sector? The Minister of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is sitting beside the Taoiseach.

We all knew about the state of the public finances prior to the general election. I, therefore, accept the point made by the Taoiseach in that regard. However, does he agree that it was pathetic for Labour Party leaders to promise they would not agree to a cut in child benefit? They did so prior to the election knowing the figures. They made these false promises and are now turning their backs on women and children. It is a bit rich and hypocritical to speak about having a referendum on children's rights when the Government is planning to take €10 from poor families.


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