Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

10:30 am

Photo of Brian CowenBrian Cowen (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail)

We are dealing with it. In dealing with it, the question is about getting the processing industry and those who supply it back into production. It also raises the responsibility we have to assist that process in a way which ensures that the taxpayer is asked to make a contribution that is commensurate to what we can achieve, without leaving the taxpayer open to contingent liability. That is the responsibility of the Government. If it were simply a matter of instructing people to go back into production, that would have happened before now. We are determined to work with the processing industry to find a solution that is consistent with all of those legitimate requirements.

The European Union issue is something I have raised in respect of aids to private storage. I had a telephone conversation with the President of the European Commission this morning at 7.30 a.m., while the Minister has spoken to Commissioner Fischer Boel, and we have outlined the extent of the issue that is facing this sector of the economy and explained the need for the Commission to see in what way it can assist. The Commission will obviously continue to investigate that matter. That in no way takes away from the work this Government is doing to make sure we try to get this matter resolved as quickly as possible. Yesterday evening, last night and again this morning, we have seen very detailed discussions taking place, dealing with all of the issues mentioned——


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