Dáil debates

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

8:00 pm

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail)

I reiterate that agency workers, regardless of nationality, together with workers posted by their employer from overseas to work temporarily in Ireland have the same rights under Irish employment rights legislation as Irish employees. Workers in the categories mentioned also are able to take complaints to the labour inspectorate and to have their cases heard by the State's dispute resolution machinery, as represented by bodies such as the rights commissioner service, the Labour Court and the Employment Appeals Tribunal. It is important that this framework for investigation and dispute resolution, which has won broad public acceptance and support over the years, is used effectively.

I reiterate the point made by the Minister of State, Deputy Kelleher, that Members who have specific complaints should bring them to the National Employment Rights Authority, NERA, when they receive them and not before or after that debate. They should pass them on immediately to the National Employment Rights Authority. I contacted the authority again this afternoon which, together with the Employment Appeals Tribunal, stated that agency working per se as a sector does not feature to the degree about which one hears——


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