Dáil debates

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Confidence in Minister for Health and Children: Motion (Resumed)


8:00 pm

Photo of Eamon GilmoreEamon Gilmore (Dún Laoghaire, Labour)

The most pathetic part of the speech made last night by the Minister for Health and Children was when she described the lonely position she found herself in last Wednesday, when she struggled to get her own officials and officials from the Health Service Executive to explain why the 97 women in Portlaoise had not been notified and why an additional crisis had developed. The Minister, Deputy Harney, who is experienced and able, said when she established the HSE that it would help to solve the crisis in the health system, but she was unable to get answers from that body when she needed them. Nothing makes the case more eloquently that the Minister is no longer in control of the health service, or even in charge of her Department. The Minister has responsibility for these officials. She is able, in her own words, to direct the Health Service Executive. She can order it to provide the information she seeks. She can appoint and sack the members of the HSE.


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