Dáil debates

Thursday, 22 November 2007

3:00 pm

Photo of Michael CreedMichael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael)

In view of the significance of this issue to farmers, given the previous issue relating to the Food and Veterinary Office report and in the light of the forthcoming referendum, farmers must be convinced that the European Union can deliver for them. Given the level of apathy and hostility in the farming community to the treaty, as evaluated by recent opinion polls, does the Minister believe it is imperative that between now and the holding of the referendum in early 2008 we convince farmers that the Union can deliver for them and that it will not hinder them, put them out of business or take money from their pockets? It is important we get this issue across to Commissioner Kyprianou and President Barroso. At a political level, we need to forge alliances in Europe that will be seen to deliver for us. I appreciate what the Minister says, that she can only advocate but cannot make the change. Efficient advocacy works by building relationships with other like-minded states. Ireland is the only state that will have to put the Lisbon treaty to the people and we will need assistance at a political level to have it delivered.


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