Dáil debates

Wednesday, 27 September 2006

3:00 pm

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Independent)

The Minister of State is correct that we will all benefit from the home care packages if they serve to reduce the dependence on hospital beds. It is important that people are confident that this is a solution for which they may opt. Given that 13.5% of €150 million is in the region of €20 million, is the Department of Health and Children seeking to reclaim this money from the Department of Finance? If not, this charge serves to reduce the funding that should be directed towards the home care package. It is desirable that this amount should be further increased and the most important issue is that it covers the costs of the service.

I am aware there are delays in payments under this scheme. I have dealt with several people who have had to get loans to cover the first two months before the payment comes through. This is a particular difficulty for persons on the low end of the income scale. These problems must be resolved if this service is to be an option for people across the spectrum. The VAT charge should be repaid from the Department of Finance to the Department of Health and Children so that the funding of €150 million is not reduced by 13.5%.


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