Dáil debates

Tuesday, 27 June 2006

5:00 pm

Photo of Bertie AhernBertie Ahern (Dublin Central, Fianna Fail)

I stated last week that my information was that the Barr report had gone to the printers and I undertook to check on Deputy Rabbitte's behalf. When I did so last Wednesday morning, I found that the report was still not available. I am told that it will probably be ready by Friday. I have asked that it be circulated in printed or other form. I hope we will be able to circulate the Barr report early next week.

The Dalton report has been before the Cabinet for several weeks. On legal advice, owing to the report's contents, we were advised that it had to go to those mentioned or referred to in it. That has happened, and I understand that several individuals have made replies, with which Mr. Dalton is dealing. It had been hoped that the report would be completed today, but that was not the case. We hope to clear and circulate it next Tuesday. From a Government perspective, we are finished with it.

The O'Sullivan report has not been completed. Work on it by Mr. O'Sullivan and those working with him is continuing. They have been examining procedures from 1995 and changes to protocol since and talking to relevant staff including the Attorney General, the Secretary General and other individuals in the Department. Work is well advanced but not complete. It will not be that long — while the report may not be finished by next week, it will certainly be finished fairly soon.

I hope we will have the Barr and Dalton reports before the recess. If the O'Sullivan report is not issued before the recess, it will certainly not be too long thereafter.


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