Dáil debates

Wednesday, 21 June 2006


Waste Management: Motion (Resumed).

7:00 pm

Photo of Fiona O'MalleyFiona O'Malley (Dún Laoghaire, Progressive Democrats)

——but this is the problem with the policies of the Green Party, which does not finish its sentences. They tell us the problem, which we all recognise, and what we all need to do, but they fail to deal with the responsibility of the response. They have never yet been in Government and they will be a long time waiting for office because they do not live in the real world dealing honestly and responsibly with the issue.

It is an important issue and I am grateful to the Green Party for highlighting and giving us the opportunity to discuss this Forfás report. One point I have taken from that report is the progress Ireland has made. The Minister stated in his speech yesterday that we are on the right road. The road is not finished, but clearly Ireland has made enormous improvements. Deputy Nolan spoke about this. Before the Government took office in 1997 recycling rates were at an atrocious level of 9%. They are now at 33%.


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