Dáil debates

Tuesday, 7 March 2006

3:00 pm

Photo of Eamon RyanEamon Ryan (Dublin South, Green Party)

It is clear the Taoiseach has got to the Minister in terms of not doing anything which will scare the horses before the next election. The Minister talked about 2015. If the Minister will not take the advice of the transport experts to put demand management on the M50, not the anti-roads people, but Arup engineers, the NRA, the Dublin Transportation Office, and the Bord Pleanála inspector — I could cite chapter and verse as to why they see an immediate need for demand management — what will he say to the motorists who will drive on the road from 2008 onwards, when it will in effect be a car park? The Minister says he will put everything off until 2015. How will he make that road work?


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