Dáil debates

Wednesday, 30 November 2005

1:00 pm

Photo of Dinny McGinleyDinny McGinley (Donegal South West, Fine Gael)

The Minister has a map in his possession showing the details of Transport 21. While I do not, I remember noticing significant gaps at the great launch of the plan. Does the Minister not agree there are significant gaps in infrastructural development under the Transport 21 scheme? I refer in particular to the north west. Admittedly, Northern Ireland gets in the way. Have any negotiations, discussions or meetings been held between the authorities here and those in Northern Ireland? When one considers the fate of previous plans, we all have reservations in respect of the current one. Only 60% of the last plan has been completed. Be that as it may, what plans, arrangements or negotiations have taken place to ensure that if roads are built up to the Border, people will be able to pass through Northern Ireland to reach places such as County Donegal in the north west?


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