Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Select Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Business of Committee

5:30 pm

Photo of Jackie CahillJackie Cahill (Tipperary, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context

I wish to make members aware of the following: an order agreeing the motion regarding the Thirty-Second Report of the Standing Committee of Selection and Appointment of Committee Cathaoirligh was passed by the Dáil on 18 September. Arising from this, Deputy Kerrane has been appointed Cathaoirleach of the Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Deputy Martin Kenny has been nominated to replace Deputy Kerrane on the Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine. We welcome the Deputy back to this committee. He was a member in the previous Dáil.

Before we begin, members now have the option of being physically present in the committee room or may join a meeting via MS Teams from their Leinster House offices. Members may not participate in the meeting from outside the parliamentary precincts. If joining on MS Teams, they should please mute microphones if not making a contribution and use the raise hand function to indicate.