Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2023: Health Service Executive

9:30 am

Photo of Verona MurphyVerona Murphy (Wexford, Independent)

The last time Mr. Mulvany appeared before the committee I put it to him that there had been a young girl with anorexia in University Hospital Waterford for 30 days. I was incorrect. I am stating on the record that it was actually 91 days. There was no clinical intervention that she should be moved until I got involved, and there was no administrative intervention to ask why she was there. The hospital neither had a paediatric dietician or any consultant come to see her. She moved out of the care of the CAMHS consultant into the care of the hospital consultant who failed to see her in the hospital, at her bedside, for 90 days until I got involved. Has that been investigated since Mr. Mulvany was last before the committee?


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