Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 October 2024

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Public Accounts Committee

Financial Statements 2023: Health Service Executive

9:30 am

Photo of Catherine MurphyCatherine Murphy (Kildare North, Social Democrats)

I, too, picked up on the overtime payment and wonder how it happened. During a weekend night call-out in 2023, the employee was paid a rate of six hours' pay per patient for each of the four patients treated in a single period of 60 minutes. That same point was made by Deputy Kelly. It cost in excess of €2,800 for the call, which is an extraordinary amount. I can see the HSE's methodology in dealing with that by going after the areas where this occurs. As acknowledged earlier, when a person has any engagement with a hospital, he or she will see consultants there morning, afternoon and evening. I also understand that the vast majority of staff work very hard. Mr. Gloster said that the payment was not intended to be made in this way even though it is within the contract. Is there any way to challenge the contract or paying per patient as opposed for the time? I ask that because there seems to be a real flaw in the contract.


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