Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Financial Supports for Tertiary Level Students: Discussion

12:05 pm

Mr. Keith Moynes:

The Department does not have that knowledge, as that is a matter for the institutions. We have an expectation that there is an engagement with students to try to support and help them. One thing that is our responsibility to do is to think about funding. By increasing core funding, we can increase supports in institutions that can do that sort of outreach. There are also things that can be done to understand people who are at risk of dropping out such as, for example, questioning why somebody is not engaging with the email system or his or her course work and querying whether there are risk factors there. We feel that increasing the supports in institutions is the sort of thing that can help with that outreach to the at-risk cohort.


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