Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Select Committee on Justice and Equality

Estimates for Public Services 2024
Vote 20 - Garda Síochána (Supplementary)
Vote 21 - Prisons (Supplementary)
Vote 22 - Courts Service (Supplementary)
Vote 24 - Justice (Supplementary)

5:30 pm

Photo of Pa DalyPa Daly (Kerry, Sinn Fein)

I will address the age increase shortly. Is the Minister happy with the pace of recruitment into An Garda Síochána given that the population of the State has increased by 20% in the past ten years while the number of gardaí has remained the same? That is already creating big challenges when it comes to visibility, police presence, eliminating the fear of crime people have and giving people peace of mind. Is the Minister happy with the pace in this regard? I know she did not answer the previous question. Is she happy with the pace of recruitment into An Garda Síochána?


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