Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 17 October 2024
Public Accounts Committee
Financial Statements 2023 - Charities Regulatory Authority
9:30 am
Ciarán Cannon (Galway East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
In her opening statement, Ms Delaney outlined that the office oversees a very diverse landscape of charities, ranging from small volunteer-led charities, sometimes operating in small communities and perhaps only serving the needs of that particular community, to very large entities with budgets of millions of euro. In her most recent response, she mentioned webinars. Does the regulator undertake any specific work with those smaller charities that are coming under its scrutiny for the first time? On the webinars, I assume, although I could be wrong, that attendance at these webinars is voluntary and that there is no obligation to attend. Has consideration ever been given to making this a mandatory requirement for charities? Perhaps those in their first year or two of operation could be obliged to attend these webinars if they are to remain registered with the regulator. This would allow them to become very familiar with all of the regulatory and governance requirements the regulator imposes.
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