Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

General Scheme of the National Cyber Security Bill 2024: Cyber Ireland

1:30 pm

Photo of Gerry HorkanGerry Horkan (Fianna Fail)

The EU comprises 27 member states. We would have historically traded a lot with Britain. The latter would be out of the loop if the company involved were based there. If this were applied, such companies would be in trouble. In its submission, IBEC submission states that it agrees with the vast majority of what is in the general scheme, but there are certain elements that it believes need to be further considered in order to ensure consistency across member states and at European level. The first issue it believes will benefit from further consideration and amendment relates to head 3, which outlines the scope and functions of the NCSC. Although not contained in the NIS2 directive, IBEC states that most of these functions are straightforward and sensible. It also states that head 3(1)d, which would empower the NCSC to deny the use of the network and information systems to acts of foreign or domestic interference that are intended to be detrimental to the interests of the State or its international relations or are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person, and head 3(1)k, which empowers the NCSC to monitor and identify foreign information manipulation, are disproportionate in their breadth and therefore inappropriate for inclusion in the final Bill. Has Mr. Honan been made aware of that concern? What does he think of the point IBEC makes?


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