Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

General Scheme of the National Cyber Security Bill 2024: Cyber Ireland

1:30 pm

Photo of Alan FarrellAlan Farrell (Dublin Fingal, Fine Gael)

It is really about building resilience, is it not? Mr. Honan has talked about the strata of Bills and arrangements made to bring this up. Education is clearly one of these. I refer to the provision of courses at third level and also, as I have said, writing to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment to ask what it is doing in this sphere. That would be very helpful to us. We could also talk to the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science about the number of courses on offer and whether individual third level institutes are planning or being asked to expand in that area. We could ask all of those questions. As Mr. Honan has rightly said, this is a very complex area. The heads of the Bill alone run to 179 pages so I can only imagine what the actual Bill is going to be like when it is published at some point early next year. I am sorry; I interrupted Deputy Matthews.


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