Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Education Needs of Visually Impaired Students: Discussion

11:00 am

Photo of Neasa HouriganNeasa Hourigan (Dublin Central, Green Party)

Obviously, there was a great deal in the various presentations. We could probably spend many hours dealing with the different parts of this discussion. It is possible that we all have many questions about the digital aspect because it is a new era. In many different sectors across the country there is a focus on digital and ICT, on whether we are funding them in the correct way and on whether the various programmes work.

One of the questions I am always interested in is whether all the composite parts of the school experience join up. Ms Agbona or Ms Walsh, who said her children are now in college, might speak to that. As the Department of Education supports and enables more people to use digital technology, are the composite parts, including, for example, the State Examinations Commission, moving in lockstep and changing as they need to? I would be horrified if somebody in their day-to-day life was using brand-spanking-new technology that has changed their experience and has made their life easier to reach a point where they want to go to third level and are definitely able for it and where the barrier to that is a State examination. That is just an example of the composite parts. I do not know who wants to take that question, but I presume everyone has an opinion.


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