Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 10 October 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Issues relating to University Hospital Limerick: Discussion

1:30 pm

Photo of Stephen DonnellyStephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)

I will give some very quick answers and then ask Ms Broderick to outline some of the operational details. As the Deputy stated, there has been a big investment in the injury and medical assessment units. The hours have been extended. The Deputy and I discussed this in the Dáil earlier this week or maybe last week. We need the facility to be fully utilised. I have no doubt that Ms Broderick and the HSE team can and will engage with GPs and other referral pathway representatives to ensure we are utilising it fully. There are ongoing discussions with the unions on rostering, and we need these resolved in order that we can expand access again.

The commitment from me on the community nursing unit stands. The current measure is a temporary measure until the first 96-bed block is open. When that is open, the unit can revert to being an absolutely beautiful community nursing unit for the local area. I will get the Deputy a note on the 24-bed block for Nenagh. I do not have the information here but will ask my officials to send the Deputy a note on the timing. I will now ask Ms Broderick to contribute on any or all of those issues.


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